Planning Your Standby Power For Business Continuity

Companies where a power loss is no more than an inconvenience, it is common practice to install an uninterruptible power supply with a runtime sufficient to allow an orderly backup and shutdown of computers and servers.

Really? You Don’t Need A Website Disaster And Recovery Program? Why?

If you answered YES to that, you’re dead wrong my friend. Let me prove it to you by giving you real true-to-life examples.

Recently, I asked this question to one lady webmaster named Dorothy and she said quite simply,

“Well, why should I do that? My webhost said that they guarantee 99.9% of the time, my website will be OK. Besides, I don’t know how to do it if that’s technical stuff. So why should I care?”

That is the mindset of many people like her who really believ…

Offsite Backup: Benefits And Threats Unveiled

Good backup habits are essential to everyone who uses a computer with important information. It takes just a few accidental clicks of the mouse – or worse, one isolated hardware failure – and valuable data can be lost.

One dilemma for backup users is often where to put their backups. Storing them on your own hard drive is obviously not the best option. Not everyone wants to split their backups into several parts using a CD or DVD burner, and an external hard drive isn’t a …

Be Smart Partition Your Drive.

Being in the computer field for some years, I’ve seen many people being afraid to save data on their computers. People are so paranoid, but don’t really know what to do unless they’re willing to spend a little time to learn about the box with a cup holder built into it (CD ROM tray)=0).

Backup Schedule: Learn How Often To Backup

If you backup, you are one step away from a disaster. If you backup often, make it several steps. Learn how often to backup and how to make your own backup schedule.

Surely, one can backup to whatever backup medium he wants, but if one does not stick to a backup schedule, most of the efforts, aimed at storing or securing the important information will be spent in vain.

First, we need to figure out what we are backing up, as the backup schedule largely depends on the siz.