Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And Life

I was leading a teleconference this morning with twenty interesting, diverse, solo entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches. The hot subject up for discussion was how “overwhelmed,” beat, tired, and burned-out many of the people were feeling due to the “too much to do / can’t stop now” syndrome.

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?”

I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since it tends to feel uncomfortable, if not d…

I Want It Now!

Do you ever hear yourself thinking “I want it NOW”? When we decide that we really want something, the desire is so strong that often we want it NOW. We don’t want to have to wait for it. So we tell ourselves and we tell the universe, “Okay, I am ready. I want this now.” And then if it doesn’t happen immediately, we might say something like, “Where is it? I am ready. Why isn’t it here yet?”

The problem is that when we want something badly and we want it NOW, it is a good si…

When Things Don’t Appear To Be Flowing, Take A Second Look

On a recent trip to a conference, I sat next to a woman on the plane who had missed her last connecting flight due to some airline delays. As a result, Margaret was going to miss a bike tour of the Napa Wine Valley, which she had already paid for. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy about it, as she would not get her payment back, nor have the fun experience she was looking forward to since she had business meetings scheduled the following day. She had fretted about it a great …

Work, Work, Work: Making Each Moment Count

Time, time, time. It seems there is never enough of this precious life support. In a previous story about time, I quoted the following aphorism:


Balance: Entrepreneurial or Workaholic?

A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body.

The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don’t get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.

Developing the “Both and” Mindset

Typically people have an “either or” mindset which inevitably leads to suboptimal solutions, and under satisfying compromises. By switching to the “both and” mindset you can become more successful and paradoxically create greater clarity and balance in your life.

Balance your life

Writing is a solitary task.
Writing needs concentration and quiet.
Writing requires absolute commitment.

Are all there scary statements true?
What is more, is it possible to balance your writing career and family without turning yourself into a zombie?

Everything is feasible; I am the living example of it.