Low Interest Credit Cards Are Considered by Many The Most Popular Credit Cards

Low interest credit cards have numerous advantages such as the 0% Intro APR (annual percentage rate) that enables the consumer to save on interest expense. Several factors should be considered in choosing the right credit card. Depending on your situation a fixed low APR interest rate might be a better choice than the 0% intro APR if you are planning to carry a credit card balance each month. If the 0% intro APR changes to a low fixed rate after the promotional period ends then this will be an ideal situation. If the interest rate jumps up to over 20% then this might not be the best deal. This is why customers need to know what the interest rate will be at the end of the introductory period. For customers deciding on the 0% intro credit card offer will save money on interest expense which can be used to pay off the loan much sooner.

Pertinent Information About Low Interest Credit Cards

If you’re not using a low interest credit card, ask yourself why? This credit card have numerous advantages such as the 0% Intro APR (annual percentage rate) that enables the consumer to save on interest expense. Customers who will be using their credit card to make purchases and take cash advance may be better off with a credit card that offers a low fixed interest rate instead of the 0% intro rate.

The Facts about Low Interest Credit Cards

Low interest credit cards are considered cheap credit cards because they offer 0% Intro APR (annual percentage rate) up to one year. These offers may only apply to the balance transfer and not to new purchases and cash advance.