6 Dimensions Of Thinking, 1 Steering Wheel For Success

Thought leads to belief, and belief leads to attitudes. Attitudes influence while beliefs inform actions, and ultimately actions become habits which shape character that then forges destiny. This is the growth path that is taken by that powerful entity known as Thought.

But what is a Thought, anyway? Are thoughts things? What constitutes a Thought? What cannot be considered a Thought?

For a thing that occurs about 50,000 times a day in an average person’s brain, I have …

Law Of Attraction: Expect What You Want

One of the most important steps in consciously using the Law of Attraction is learning to change our expectations. Why? Because the Universe delivers exactly what we expect to see. Our expectations are formed on the foundation of our existing beliefs.

If we believe ourselves to be lacking financially, we will expect to see a bigger proportion of bills than income – and the universe delivers. If we believe we are sick, overweight or weak, we expect to feel pain and fati…

Mind Over Matter: The Power Of Thoughts

One of the greatest challenges in life is understanding just how powerful our thoughts are. Many of us learn this the hard way – myself included. After spending most of my early life caught up in negative thought patterns, it occurred to me that I had created exactly what I had been thinking about all those years.

I worked at a stressful, unfulfilling job. I had an extremely low income, and no matter how hard I tried to improve my financial situation, I was always broke. I…

Harness the Power of Skill Sets and Mindsets

Sometimes when you wrestle with problems, you might not see an immediate solution and you struggle to find one. After a while, you might give up completely, thinking that it is impossible to find a solution for that particular problem. At that moment, the idea that you might simply need new skills or knowledge to overcome the difficulty can be very empowering.

Isn’t It Time For You To Change Your Belief Systems?

Your beliefs have a powerful influence on how you view the world, and what you do in it. Are your beliefs holding you back in life? Or are they propelling you towards success? You may be surprised at what you find out!

Looks can be perceiving.

One of the key differences that separates happy, fulfilled and successful people from those who life a life of frustration, reaction and quiet desperation is using the power of perception. At times we all indulge in the lure of quick fixes and the challenge of working through our problems often seem too arduous and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

The Strength Of Beliefs And Their Impact On Success

Have you ever heard the expression, “if you don’t believe you can do it you can’t”? This holds true for business especially since many when beginning a new venture have some inherent doubts that can ultimately be the undoing of the business before it even has the chance to begin.

Our beliefs have a significant impact on how well or how poorly we do in any endeavor. This is even more powerful in the world of business because many of us have had various beliefs instilled upo…

There Are No Secrets to Success!

People believe there are hidden secrets that will propel them to success. If that were true it would mean success is only possible for those few who have access to these great mysterious secrets. Ginny Dye shares four lessons for those in pursuit of success.

Once Saved, Always Saved?

I used to think that once saved, I would always be saved. What changed my mind? On October 25, 2002, I gave birth to a stillborn child at full term.

Count Your Chickens Before They’ve Hatched.

Most people plan to fail by never expecting to succeed. When you count your chickens before they’ve hatched you start to create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that has immense power to motivate you to achieve whatever you desire.