Finding Your Voice

What are the parallels between finding your literal voice and finding your personal voice – the voice that links you to your purpose, power, and work in the world? Read on …

Develop A Belief System That Works For You

Most of us carry with us beliefs that were given to us by others. As we grew up, we had a number of influences who shaped the way that we think. Some of what we were taught is useful and serves us well. However, there is a lot that we carry with us that causes us great harm. Until we analyze our belief system, we will not be able to create the life that we truly desire.

What Makes People Successful?

Some people are successful while others aren’t. But what makes them so successful? Well you’ll be surprised to find that it’s not skill. What makes people successful is attitude. If you believe you’ll succeed you will and if you think you’ll fail you will. But what can you do about it? How can you change the way you think and act? The time to change is right now. Go out there with your head held high and strive for success in everything you do.

3 Steps to Daily Success: Using Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Achieve Your Goals

Changing our day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined. By meditating on and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, we are better prepared to change our thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change our lives. Here’s how it’s done. A three-step method is offered, demonstrating how to use motivational and inspirational quotes to achieve their goals. The author uses his personal experience showing how he lost 20 lbs in 12 weeks by using this method.

Changing Beliefs of TV’s Celebrity Big Brother Contestants

Do you know whether or not you have flawed beliefs that are holding you back from achieving goals? Would you like to find out how to discover if you do or not? Here is the information that the contestants of TVs celebrity Big Brother needed to know.

Gatekeeping, Your Brains Ultimate Secretary

Picture a secretary or assistant in your brain. They are the gatekeepers of information. The information they stop is anything that your subconscious self does not accept as true. We take on beliefs as we are growing up that may not align with our beliefs today, which can stop you from succeeding in life.

The Gift Only You Can Give

It can be hard to decide what gift to give that special someone. Of all the gifts that I have given over the years, two have stood out for people. These gifts are not found in a store, and only can come from within you. Yet, they are remember, long after the rest have faded.

The Importance of Receiving

Receiving is just as important as giving. It sets the flow of abundance and helps others to attract their good as well. When you refuse to ever receive you can be robbing someone else the chance to give. Even science has shown that your health may depend on your ability to receive.