Plan Your Proposal And You Plan To Win

Proposal planning is essential to ensure that you have time to develop, write and produce a well though-out solution to the client’s requirement. Everyone who has written proposals regularly has occasionally wished that they had planned better, started earlier and various occasions stayed late trying to deal with an unsatisfactory and unfinished proposal.

Think of proposals as small projects – develop a plan. Think about all the relevant issues you must cover – how to meet…

Trying To Win New Business? Don’t Fall At The First Hurdle

Getting through pre-qualification is sometimes a difficult and tedious task. However, it is often a “necessary evil” in order to be considered for larger projects. Companies or individuals see this as a way of ensuring that any perspective consultants are both serious, professional and above all, qualified for the task at hand.

What is pre-qualification? Pre-Qualification us generally a series of test to ensure that suppliers meet a minimum set of standards. Quite frequent…

Your Proposal Didn’t Win? Make Sure You Get Something From Losing

No matter how successful you are, eventually you will lose potential contracts. This is not always a bad thing – losing contracts can present you with opportunities to get closer to the client and get valuable feedback. It allows you to analyze what you did wrong, what was done right, and how you can improve your products, services…and proposals.

If you do lose a contract you should always ask for feedback and find out why you lost. Client’s are often happy to provide feed…