Re-evaluating Surety Bond Underwriting

Surety bonds are suppose to be underwritten with a 0% loss ratio. There are no funds for claims built into the premium of traditionally underwritten surety bonds. This standard is obviously impossible to achieve on a consistent basis.

Saving Bonds

Saving Bonds are issued by US Treasury Department. These are not tradable anywhere in the market. The bonds are non-marketable securities. For any buying and selling activity, you need to go to the agents authorized by the government. These agents are called Issuing and Paying agents. The saving bonds are registered securities. This means that they are registered and held in name of the person who owns them.

Generally there are three series of interesting saving bonds. Th…

Savings Bonds

Savings bonds are a great way to save money for your future. Either purchased yourself, or given as a gift, savings bonds ensure you that you will have at least some amount of savings later on.

Although you may already know a little about savings bonds, either owning them yourself or having given one as a gift, you may not know that there are different types. Each type has its own set of rules and also different ways that they can be used.

I Bonds are saving bonds that …

Surety Bond Bulk Discounts

Think you will get a discount for obtaining multiple surety bonds? Think again. Surety bonds are really a form of credit, and as you make use of it bonding companies will be more hesitant to write additional bonds for you.

Cash-out refinance: Turning lemons into lemonade

The oft given, rarely followed adage, “Turn Lemons into Lemonade” seems out of place in the world of refinance. But in fact, it is quite appropriate when considering entering into a Cash Out refinance loan.