Brand Your Exhibition Stand For Maximum Impact

Rita Davenport had been given a free hand to design and manage an exhibition stand for her company. The Marketing Director had briefed her extensively on the overall idea and left her with an open brief to produce something that would attract customers, dealers and the trade press. Rita walked out of the meeting feeling inspired but not quite sure what to do next.

Once you understand clearly what the sponsor needs the stand to achieve, you can go about the business of desi…

Follow Up To Get Quality Event Feedback

“Well, how did it go?” asked the CEO as he wandered past Siobhan’s desk on his weekly tour of the offices. He was referring to the conference Siobhan had organized and run to involve their industry in standardization guidelines. Although her first impression was that the conference was a real success, she knew that she only had a small proportion of the total feedback. “I’m still in the middle of collecting feedback data”, admitted Siobhan, “but the initial data looks more po…

Marketing An Event Is Easy… Right?

“What advice do you have about marketing an event to achieve a successful outcome?” Maggie was a veteran in event organization terms. Andy was a novice and he had approached her to try to avoid what he believed were elephant traps waiting for him.

“If you are running an event as a profit-making activity” Maggie began “then it is vitally important that you maximize the attendance. Where the event is educational or promotional, you should keep a keen eye on covering your cos…

Product Placement Makes Events Memorable

The CEO had just breezed through the office for his monthly back-office visit. Stopping briefly at Charli’s desk, he seemed to be mesmerized by the pumpkin shaped stress ball that had been sitting on Charli’s printer since she came back from the team-building seminar. The discussion soon turned to one about the value of team-building and how the CEO had been considering something similar for the senior managers.

“So, what was the name of the provider for your team building…

What On Earth Are Trade Exhibitions For?

As a Sydney-based exhibition designer, Ove Prado often conducts his own survey of trade shows. He tries to work out, from what he sees, the purpose that each stand is playing in that company’s marketing strategy. “All too often”, he says, “the message is confusing and some designs actually drive customers to walk straight past”

Renting space at a trade exhibition, designing a stand, having it built and staffing it for the duration of the exhibition shares some of the essen…

It’ll Be All Right On The Night

There was only a week to go before the major product launch and Sara had a “concern”; a phrase she used when she was shaking in her boots with sheer panic. She had been checking with all of the presenters to make sure that their presentations were well into development, if not complete and, although she had not heard or read them all from end-to-end, she could tell that there was an unacceptable amount of repetition. The audience was in danger of walking out after the first h…

Managing Registrations And Payments For An Event

In a company of 25 people; putting on a marketing event and charging an entry fee could give the event administrator a severe headache. Patricia Thomson was in this position only last week. Her “normal” job of Marketing Assistant still had to run while she organized the seminars and she realized she could be handling hundreds of enquiries over the period. This was their first venture into this type of event and the company’s accounts department was not really set up for a mas…

The Art Of Free Event Advertising?

Jo knew that events could be advertised in the Trade Magazines linked to her company’s line of business but, as a newcomer to event organization, with a non-existent advertising budget and with no marketing expert at her elbow; where should she begin?

Some of the best advertising you can get is editorial written about your event or your company. Print media like trade journals, magazines and newspapers are often looking to fill their pages and you may have noticed that art…

Managing The Reputation Of Your Event.

As a Consultant in Quality and Customer Service, Roberta Meier often attends seminars and workshops as a “Mystery Shopper”. As well as checking out how well delegates are catered for by the training teams, she also takes great delight in testing how tenaciously event organizers pursue her for her true opinion about their reputation.

If and when they do catch up with Roberta, how do they quantify reputation anyway?

The easiest thing to do is to use the happiness sheets (…

Nobody Ever Knows They Got Joining Instructions

It’s true! Ask any delegate whether they got their joining instructions and they’ll look at you blankly. If you explain that we sent you a letter describing the event and how to get here; a small glimmer of light starts to burn. This piece of event jargon is one of the few technical terms that delegates don’t really need to know about.

To give your delegates complete confidence that your event is well organized and that their every need has been considered, it is well wort…