The Key To Self Discipline

The key to self discipline isn’t in working harder, but in working smarter. Learn to do that, and life gets easier.

A Startling Fact About The Dangers Of Labeling

Do you realize how often you are using labels on others and yourself. Do you realize how it holds you back and crushes your potiential and the potiential of learns. Learn what you are doing and how to stop it.

An Age Old Secret For Accessing Knowledge

The human mind has boundless potential, and humans have been exploring many ways to use the mind for thousands of years. The following technique of visualization can help you acquire new knowledge and skills more quickly than with conventional techniques.

Brain Exercises

Some simple brain exercises you can use anywhere to tune up your brain.

Creating Our Reality

Imagine that you have just put on a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses. If you were to look around the room and describe what you see, everything would appear blue to you because it’s being filtered though a blue lens.

But is this reality? No, it’s your perception of reality. We only see, hear and experience life through the perceptual filters of our senses. This is why life (and reality) is always subjective. Our senses are always at work, filtering out what we believe to be …

The Importance of Receiving

Receiving is just as important as giving. It sets the flow of abundance and helps others to attract their good as well. When you refuse to ever receive you can be robbing someone else the chance to give. Even science has shown that your health may depend on your ability to receive.

The Power Of Our Subconscious Mind

Have you ever fully appreciated that marvelous tool for success that each and every one of us has at our command? It is our mind.

Theodore Roosevelt

“All the resources we need are in the mind.”

In the novel “Terminal Man” by Michael Crichton, it mentions that at that time (1972) the largest and most expensive computer had the same number of circuits as the brain of an ant. To make a computer with the capacity of the human brain would require the size of a huge skyscr…

Your Powerful Imagination

It is a common belief that the human brain is somehow empty at birth, and as the child begins to grow and receive stimulus, the neurons start making connections. Science is now discovering, however, that the reverse may be true. The infant is actually born with many more neuron connections than most adults have. It may be that learning does not happen by making neuron connections, but rather by “weeding out” those that are not used. If this is true, then we are all, literally…