Stress Less, Breathe More
I must start our by stating that I believe there is good stress and bad stress. As in most things in life, there are opposites: good and bad, yin and yang, light and dark…(you get the idea). Let’s start with the good kind and then work our way along the continuum.
When you are put in a situation where you are challenging your capabilities, whether it is competitive sports, public speaking, or starting your own business, you are having an intimate experience with good stres…
Keeping Conflict in Perspective
A surprise attack is one of the hardest conflicts to handle. It’s a shock to the system. Often the first reaction (after your heartbeat returns to normal) is to blame the other person or to blame yourself and to get caught in endless internal dialogue about who’s at fault and what to do next.
How Breathing Differently Can Make You Happier
Breathing is something that we all do, that not many of us pay too much attention to. Imagine if you could change your moods, physical condition and mind set simply by breathing differently. This article shows you how.
Have a Present Moment!
We all have bad days and unpleasant feelings. Maybe you are having one now. It’s okay. Just like the rain, this, too, shall pass. Watch, notice, breathe.