5 Tips On Making Your Business Card A Powerful Marketing Tool

When used effectively business cards can be a great marketing tool. In this article we will discuss 5 of the most effective ways that you can use your business cards everyday.

1. Be Creative.

Be creative in the design of your business cards. Business cards do not just need to be bits of paper with your contact details on them. Be creative and give your business cards a use and purpose. Make them a powerful marketing tool in the promotion of your business.

Your aim is…

How To Know If Your Business Card Stinks

If your business card isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do – helping the receiver remember you in a desirable way, leaving behind a strong, positive impression of you, your company and your product or service – then it’s a failure. It stinks.

And if you’re reading this article, it probably does. Stink, that is.

Wonder how can I make that prediction, without ever having seen your business card?

Two reasons.

First reason. People keep business cards that have value —…

Making A Good Impression With Business Card and Letterhead

Many corporations often neglect the importance of having a good business card and letterhead design. If you’re unaware of the effectiveness of having a professionally designed business card and letterhead, do note that you can literally turn these two materials into an excellent, low-cost form of marketing and advertising tool.

Sorry, But I’m Throwing Away Your Business Card

Hey, there’s a business card on my desk… better follow up on it.

Hmmm, should I address you as Sir or Ma’am?

I see from the card that your name is Pat Smith. But is that Patricia or Patrick? I’m afraid I don’t know how to ask for you, and I’d really hate to look foolish and ask for “Ms.” Pat Smith if it’s supposed to be “Mr.” Pat Smith… and I don’t see any kind of photo on your business card, which would help.

Bet you expected me to remember you, didn’t you? I know, …

What Not To Do With Your Business Cards!

Different from most of our articles telling you what to do with your business cards, in this article we will discuss the business card No-No’s:

Things to avoid doing with your business cards:

– Do not use ‘free business cards’. There are a few companies around offering FREE business cards (by putting their logo on the back of your card). This is a priceless way for them to promote their company through you and your new business cards. Unfortunately there are very little…

8 Tips to Help You Become a Networking Guru!

Effective business networking is the bringing together of like minded individuals who, through relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.

Keep in mind that networking is about being bona fide, building trust, and seeing how your relationship can genuinely help others. Here are 8 Tips to help you become a Networking Guru!

Communicate With Full Color Business Cards

To get attention, you have to be different from all the rest. Just imagine this: so many business cards strewn all over your target client’s table and even the floor. And all of them have one thing in common- almost all the business cards are in black and white. Except for 2 or 3 business cards. These few business cards are printed with a smattering of color. Which do you think would be able to catch your target client’s attention?

Importance of the Custom Company Logo Design

When you starting a company you are thinking on how to cut expenses. One of such options to cut the startup costs is a company logo design. But is it good idea to order a cheap logo or work without company logo at all?

More Than Just A 2×3.5

Every business or individual who wants to be perceived as professional must have a business card. Without a business card, it’s like saying you don’t want your business to grow or you don’t want people to acknowledge that your business exists or you do not wish to spread the word about your business –you are not proud.