Coaching – A Quote A Day

“Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.” – Author Unknown

Believe it or not, the use of motivational quotes can have a positive impact on your resolve to move forward in business. We all suffer through moment of self-doubt and find ourselves somewhat incapacitated in our entrepreneurial endeavors.

This article draws from a select group of quotes and ideas that may help you jumpstart your willingness to move forward.

“In th…

Coaching – Accusations Unacceptable

“Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” – Sophia Loren

Hindsight is a great accuser. It seems that no matter what decision we make there is always a decision we could have made that was better. Sometimes it can even seem as if the secondary choice would have made the world of difference for us. Sadly we can get bogged down in personal or business failure.

Consider a choice that was made by the Portland Trailblazers back in 1984. The Trailblazers were a…

Coaching – Recognizing The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell has a long history as a news reporter, but in his book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference” Gladwell helps readers understand something most of us have only felt was true – life has a tipping point.

In virtually every aspect of our lives there is a point when something either very good or very bad happens. The choices we make will ultimately lead us to that tipping point. A long series of bad choices will lead to a tipping poin…

Coaching – Stop Paying So Much Attention To Your Rival

There is a story I’d like to share; perhaps you’ve heard it. Two business owners were situated across the street from each other. The problem was these two men despised each other. Each merchant sold similar merchandise and were consistently at work trying to best the other in everything. When one got a customer he would stick out his tongue at the business owner across the street and laugh wildly.

One night as these rivals were sleeping God came to one of them in a dream,…

Coaching – Where Is Your Focus?

Summary: Most people don’t begin the process of developing a business if they have no intent of establishing the business. Most people also believe there are different roads that lead to success. Is this true? Or are there just a variety of perspectives along the way?

Sometimes I think there is a common misperception about developing a business. This misperception seems to be that all roads lead to business success. This idea seems to take into account the notion that a bu…

Life Coaching – An Introduction To The Revolution In Personal Improvement

Life coaching arrived in the UK around 10 years ago, having started in the United States some 10 years earlier. The idea of life coaching is to define goals and work out how you can achieve them. Whereas therapy analyses the past, with life coaching the emphasis is on the future and how the client can fulfil their potential.

A life coach will not judge their clients but work with them on issues causing difficulties in their life. They will help the client understand proble…

Never Enough Time

It’s a cliche of executive life: you don’t have time to do everything. Whether you use little slips of paper, a planner, scheduling software or a Palm Pilot, all attempts at time management fail. Rather than throwing in the towel, I suggest that you need a new frame of reference. Change your focus from time management to priority management.

Create a list of priorities

Your strategic plan should highlight your business priorities. If you don’t have one, take a look at …

Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions

This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.

Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.

Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a …

How To Delegate: One Key Step Towards Leadership

You’ve made an unusual discovery – there’s not enough time left at the end of the day. The corollary, of course, is your list of important things to do never gets smaller. In any company, the CEO’s to-do list has the potential to grow infinitely.

What’s a senior executive to do?

This is not simply a personal problem. Your company’s future depends on what you do next. As you drive your organization beyond its current plateau, you must change the way you relate to your wo…