Plan Your Success
Early in my career, I was told, “Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they don’t work their plan.” The same may be said of New Year resolutions. How many promises did you make to yourself and on how many of them will you follow through?
Follow these steps on how to prioritize your goals, break them down into achievable steps. Learn how these steps become your one-a-day business vitamin for greater success.
How To Delegate: One Key Step Towards Leadership
You’ve made an unusual discovery – there’s not enough time left at the end of the day. The corollary, of course, is your list of important things to do never gets smaller. In any company, the CEO’s to-do list has the potential to grow infinitely.
What’s a senior executive to do?
This is not simply a personal problem. Your company’s future depends on what you do next. As you drive your organization beyond its current plateau, you must change the way you relate to your wo…
Customer as Emperor
From Japan comes the tradition of oshibori. Oshibori is the Japanese word for the rolled up hot towel you receive after eating at an authentic Japanese restaurant or at the conclusion of an international flight. If you have never experienced a hot towel after a long flight, it is as close as you can get to a refreshing shower in the comfort of your seat with all your clothes on. What does it have to do with growing your business? It’s remarkable.
Learn the Top 2 Tips to Make Your New Financial Year The Most Profitable Yet!
Well we are already 1/2 way through 2006 and boy has it gone fast, I swear I am already seeing hints of Christmas in the stores! Was one of your 2006 New Year resolutions to get busy with your business online and really make an impact?
If you like many others have not quite gotten there yet, don’t despair because I am about to give you the hottest and easiest to implement strategies that will really make a difference to your bottom line!!
How To Grow Your Micro-Business
If you want to grow your micro-business (defined as a business with fewer than five employees), you might consider some of the findings of a survey by Statistics Canada.
1. The Findings
According to “Growth Determinants of Micro-Businesses in Canada” (Evangelia Papadaki and Bassima Chami, Small Business Policy Branch, Industry Canada), the survey by Statistics Canada revealed the following:
Micro-businesses get much of their advice from family, friends, customers and…
Next Years Planning
I’m amazed at how each year slips by just a little more quickly.
Only a few weeks ago I was running the San Juan River in Utah – blazing sunshine and ninety degrees in the shade. Now it’s Fall already. And hey, I live in Southern California – in some places it’s almost winter. Friends of mine back East are talking about 30 degree temperatures – or colder. Even snow flurries.
Blink – and it will be November, then Thanksgiving, and right its heels – New Year’s. All of whi…
Seven Keys To Get Out Of A Rut
Rut — a routine procedure, situation, or way of life that has become uninteresting and tiresome… And not surprisingly, unprofitable.
They say a rut is a shallow grave with two open ends. The good news (good news?!) is that the ends ARE still open, which means if you act fast, you just might out of it. How do we get into these ruts anyway? Who would voluntarily lie down in that grave, shallow or otherwise?
Dr. Edward Debono suggests that thoughts are pathways literall…
Survival Without Computers
I was slowed down when my computer crashed and I had no data, no address book and not even my passwords to get back online. I didn’t think I was doing anything remarkable by bouncing back to productivity even with this handicap for a week. But from the feedback I’ve had from more than a few people, it seems paralysis would have been the acceptable common option.
Yes, I got slowed down, but nothing critical was lost and no appointments missed. Why? Internal reserves, resou…
8 Tips to Help You Become a Networking Guru!
Effective business networking is the bringing together of like minded individuals who, through relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.
Keep in mind that networking is about being bona fide, building trust, and seeing how your relationship can genuinely help others. Here are 8 Tips to help you become a Networking Guru!