Raise Your Income!
The answer is astonishingly simple
Rising Postal Rates? Don’t Cut Down the Direct Mail
How to market effectively when the postage rates go up
There’s More to Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) than Meets the Eye
The Real Way to Determine Your Marketing Return on Investment
Typical Mistakes in Marketing
To prevent the risks of a promotion campaign for our products or services, I’m talking about email campaigns, it is recommended to study some of the most common mistakes that can be made in this situation
Top Secret Business Marketing Strategies. Explained
Marketing, Marketing, and Marketing.
How well do your market your products and services? How Much do you make a sell out of your marketing efforts? What is your answer? To me, if I do not market products well, I always check my guidelines listed below. I hope those marketing tips work well for your marketing.
Encourage your customers or visitors to e-mail you questions about your product or web site. Just include your sig file with your reply. For example, here is a si…
Effective List Management Can Save You Big
Marketing smarter can lead to greater profits
Starting a new Business? Don’t get floored before you get off the ground!
Staring a new business can be a very exciting experience. We often get caught up in the need to have the best tools available right now.
Boss Mode or Getting Past the Palace Guard
There have been many, many books and articles written about the art of creating rapport with prospects. Usually what it boils down to is being as like the prospect as you can be without mimicking or imitating them. When you are able to do this well, your prospect will see you as being like them. That prospect is then more likely to feel comfortable with you and want to spend time with you and do business with you.
Learning to Think Like a Customer: Selling Tips for Success
Fact number one: potential customers buy for personal reasons (theirs), not ours. They could care less about our company, glitzy website, or how long the list of product features so skillfully displayed. They only care about the oldest motivation in the book – WII-FM (what’s in it for ME!)
Power Words
Some words are better than others. Some words are stronger and more evocative than others. When you are on the phone with a prospect, you have about 10 seconds to grab and hold your prospect’s attention. If you do not do that within that first 10 seconds, your call is more than likely over.