How To Shatter Your Business and Self Growth Records Using Mach 3 Fighter Pilot Precision

The world of a military fighter pilot is fast-paced, thrilling, and absolutely unforgiving. There are specific success strategies a fighter pilot practices that any person can use to make their business and personal life both thrive. In fact, today I’m going to share with you one of the most powerful weapons in business that can make your head spin like an F-15 nosedive; and if you use it, you’ll have a good shot at shattering both your business and self-growth records…

7 Ways To Be Unreasonable

First decide what you really want to do. What would make work worth working at and life worth living. Then figure out how to do it.

Most people look to what they know they CAN do as a guide to what they WILL do; I think to get anything important done in the world, you have to look towards what you WANT to do, and then figure out how to do it.

When most people think about what they are committed to, they consider where they can build a bridge to from where they already …

Creating Breakthroughs

“The world we’ve made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking” – Albert Einstein

Runaway success is never based on incremental improvement. I know this is a very bold statement, but bold statements and even bolder results are what breakthroughs are all about. What about in your company – what would constitute a breakthrough? Would you like to increase overall productivity by 40%? Of course …

Strategic Planning Steps For Optimum Business Management

Strategic Planning Steps Overview

The Strategic Planning Steps philosophy/business system is an organizational tool that is used by groups and corporations globally to refine their goals and maximize their resources. Drawing from the concepts of strategic military planning, the Strategic Planning process is one way in which businesses strive to attain a competitive edge. Strategic planning involves defining goals, creating an adaptable business plan and measuring core comp…

Trade Up or Trade Down for Business Success

In an age of mass differentiation and low cost chic, there has never being a worse time to be stuck in the middle. Consumers are abandoning mid-range products in their droves, often opting for cheaper alternatives and saving up to buy the occasional luxury. At one end of the scale thrifty customers are cutting costs by buying supermarket own brand goods, whilst at the other end easy access to credit makes it possible to trade up to a BMW rather than settle for a Ford Mondeo.