Coaching – Accusations Unacceptable

“Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” – Sophia Loren

Hindsight is a great accuser. It seems that no matter what decision we make there is always a decision we could have made that was better. Sometimes it can even seem as if the secondary choice would have made the world of difference for us. Sadly we can get bogged down in personal or business failure.

Consider a choice that was made by the Portland Trailblazers back in 1984. The Trailblazers were a…

Coaching – Recognizing The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell has a long history as a news reporter, but in his book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference” Gladwell helps readers understand something most of us have only felt was true – life has a tipping point.

In virtually every aspect of our lives there is a point when something either very good or very bad happens. The choices we make will ultimately lead us to that tipping point. A long series of bad choices will lead to a tipping poin…

Coaching – Stop Paying So Much Attention To Your Rival

There is a story I’d like to share; perhaps you’ve heard it. Two business owners were situated across the street from each other. The problem was these two men despised each other. Each merchant sold similar merchandise and were consistently at work trying to best the other in everything. When one got a customer he would stick out his tongue at the business owner across the street and laugh wildly.

One night as these rivals were sleeping God came to one of them in a dream,…

Coaching – Where Is Your Focus?

Summary: Most people don’t begin the process of developing a business if they have no intent of establishing the business. Most people also believe there are different roads that lead to success. Is this true? Or are there just a variety of perspectives along the way?

Sometimes I think there is a common misperception about developing a business. This misperception seems to be that all roads lead to business success. This idea seems to take into account the notion that a bu…

Create Win/win Outcomes And Relationships

Q. What happens when we go through life looking only at what’s in it for us? We get selfish, we get greedy, and we get dependent on getting more of the same.

The result? Our lives become attached to this way of being, often to the degree that we manifest a blatant disregard for others and our relationships. In turn, we become blinkered to the destructive nature of our actions and give rise to provocation and resentment. The solution? To create an outcome that ensures a wi…

Empowerment Through Choice

What is the one thing that will always make you feel empowered?

It is the ability to make a choice. The problem is that we often forget that there is a choice in absolutely everything. Even if external circumstances prevent us from doing what we prefer, we have a choice in how we are going to approach the situation. We have control over our attitude, thoughts and feelings.

Being “Stuck”

I often hear people talk about being “stuck” at their jobs. When asked why they d…

How To Make Your Personal Brand “Sizzle”

Many entrepreneurs hate selling. The trouble is you can’t have a business if there are no sales! So what would it be like if you didn’t have to sell yourself at all? There’s an old marketing mantra that says, “It’s not the sausage that sells, it’s the sizzle.” What would it be like if you and your personal brand had so much “sizzle” that people searched you out?

Here are five ways to shift from “selling” to “sizzling”:


Running your o…

Just What Exactly Is Motivation?

What exactly is motivation? Everyone does not always define motivation the exact same way.

Some people describe motivation as a mental force that drives a person to accomplish an end such as finishing a project or saving for retirement.

Some people say that motivation is why some individuals do one thing and others do something all together different. Motivation is often discussed in terms of setting and achieving goals and also what determines the behaviour of a huma…

Knowing your potential business customers.

Knowing who your potential customers are is the most important first step in Dallas search engine optimization. One of the best things is to try to determine what your potential customers will likely search for that will result in them finding you.

Learn To Build And Trust In Interdependent Relationships

Q. What happens when we feel the need to impress by trying to “do it all” ourselves? We let ego get in the way of reality, and subsequently place pressure on ourselves.

The result? We take on too much and end up making mistakes or failing to get things done “as and when expected.” In turn, we invite ridicule and judgment from ourselves, our friends and family, and our colleagues. The solution? To build relationships with those around us so to collectively share our skills…