Help Desk Outsourcing

A help desk may mean a lot of different things. Basically, it is a source of technical support for hardware or software which is generally staffed by people who can either directly solve the problem or direct the problem to the appropriate department for action. In some instances, a help desk is a call center that is tasked to handle questions about products and services.

A single point of entry is what often characterizes a help desk. A voice automated help desk telephone…

Outsourcing Relationship

Outsourcing is the delegation of tasks or jobs from internal production to an external and separate business partner, very much like a subcontractor. By present standards and definition, it became the equivalent of elimination of local staff in favor of staff overseas to countries where salaries are considerably lower. Countries such as India, Bulgaria, Venezuela and Brazil, among others have become forerunners as outsourcing venues.

It was first seen in the data-processin…

The Importance of Call Center Staff

Most businesses invest fortunes in any way they think will make their company thrive, from advertising and brand management to environmentally and socially sound operations, but there is one aspect of that latter business trend that is of particular significance.