Environmental Stresses And What They Mean To You

With more emphasis being put on the state of our global environment these days, do you ever stop to assess your local environment? Your home, neighborhood, office, or your regular grocery store… Each one has it’s own “environment” made up of the air circulating throughout, the chemicals and materials that went into building and cleaning them, and even the people and energy the fill each area. All of these considerations go into making where we live and work a healthy or non-h…

Increasing Inner Peace By Reducing Your Stress

Peace-making is a healing process and it begins with me, but it does not end there. – Gene Knudsen Hoffman

There is a great need for peace in the world today. Most people would recognize that on a global level as all over the world, wars are raging and every day more people are becoming caught up in the violent turn of events, but how about on a local or individual level? Do you need more peace in your life? I think many people would answer yes to that question. As the quo…

The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic Stress: How To Handle Sudden Shock And Loss

What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome On

We all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it suddenly changes and the impossible happens, not only can we experience shock and trauma, but our normal anchors can disappear. Confusion arises, numbness and sometimes a sense of helplessness.

We may fear for our continuing safety and the safety of those we love, and not kn…

Life according to Mike

There are TWO lots of people: those who have said YES to life and those who have said NO.

Custom Rubber Bracelets — Fundraisers To ID Bands

Initially used for spreading awareness about cancer, custom rubber bracelets are now the darling of every non-profit organization – both for awareness generation and as a great fundraising tool. The Red Cross has its own red custom rubber bracelets for supporting Tsunami victims, while the relatives of American servicemen wear green custom rubber bracelets bearing the message ‘Support our troops.’ Besides, each cancer charity has its own custom color bracelets!

Custom rub…

The Wise Woman Tradition Empowers Women

The Wise Woman Tradition is the oldest known healing tradition on our planet. It offers a unique view of health that is woman-centered and deeply empowering to women. In this article, Susun Weed discusses the Wise Woman Tradition in more detail.