Social Security system is inefficient

See how the government cheats the average American out of $2 million dollars when compared to the S&P average yearly return. Also learn how the system is immoral, as it forces you to invest your money with the government bureaucrats.

Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 1)

The following is the most comprehensive ever explanation to the most mysterious phenomenon of Capitalism – the Business Cycles. In order to ensure that the article can be read by any well educated reader, I have minimized the economics jargon and have added a short and simple introduction to the structure of the economy. Each and every one of us would be interested to know as to why we cannot have a paradise on earth. Why is it that we are often besieged by such painful downs…

Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1 ….

Something reverse can happen which would be even more damaging than the just discussed case. Instead of Consumption growing at a faster rate than Savings, it might so happen that Savings and Investment grow at a much faster rate than Consumption. For example, prior to Great Depression, the importance of aggregate demand as explained by Keynes was not understood. As a result government policies normally favored huge Investments and were not geared…