Take The Heat Off HR – Encourage Career Self-Management

Is tackling talent management one of your goals this year? Employees are becoming more demanding, and topping their list is professional growth and development. These are the employees you should be striving to keep. They want new challenges, interesting work, and the opportunity to develop new skills. Even if you don’t have the resources to implement a full-scale career development program, you can still provide your employees with the tools and support to manage their own c…

Career- Are You In The Right Seat?

We all have a chair that designates a position in our career. For most of us the position, the responsibilities, the growth prospects and many such factors decide if we are happy in our seat?

Increase Your Value, Increase Your Salary

Although money shouldn’t be the most important factor in career decisions, it has a big impact on our lives. How much money we earn will dictate where we live, where we vacation, the lifestyle we enjoy, and how and when we will retire.

When you work for someone else, you have a limited amount of control over your salary. You negotiate your starting salary and then you are given increases at management’s discretion for annual reviews and promotions. Do you want more control…

The Professional Resume and The Interview Trio

This article was written by Paul Freiberger who
runs a resume writing service. This article
describes various tactics that you can use to get your prospective employer’s attention.

Top 10 Steps To Catapult Your Career Up The Corporate Ladder

Every career success story is unique. While there isn’t a magic answer for taking your career to the top, following these ten steps will get you headed up the corporate ladder.

1. Reassess your career. Is your career path well aligned with your priorities and interest? Do you posses, or can you acquire, the experience and education to be successful? If not, consider a lateral move and work your way up from there.

2. Clearly define your career goals. Only when you know e…