Learn How To Love Yourself

What does that mean to love yourself? Loving yourself is building a strong inner connection with yourself. You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself. First you need to develop your female energy : your Inner Mother, that part of you that is always caring, loving, accepting and understanding you. You also need to develop your inner masculine energy : your Inner Father, who is there to protect you and to act for you in the outside world.

Bring Love Into Your Life

Do you feel lonely, are you dreaming of the right one who will show up one day and end all the misery you’re going through now?
The bad news is this will not happen.
The good news is YOU can do a lot yourself to feel loved.

Unexpected Flowers

There is the expected, and there is the unexpected. When it’s a special day for your significant other or close friend, he or she may be expecting something, and it is important to come through. But, most people agree that the best time to receive flowers and gifts is when…