Deterring Crime In Your Store

Retail crime is increasing and 86% loss of stock through crime or wastage was attributed to crime in 2005, according to a report released by the Centre for Retail Research in the UK in the latter part of that year.

The survey covered a large number of European retail businesses, who returned results that suggested that external burglary and theft by staff were the biggest causes of loss. These figures are rising and yet, in 2005, an estimated €7633m was spent on installing…

Top Tips For Keeping Your Employees Safe

It doesn’t matter whether you have 5 employees or 500, an employer’s responsibility is to ensure that employees have a safe environment in which to work. This includes both the day-to-day processes carried out at your premises, and the general safety and welfare of the people who work for you.

There’s a fine line between using security measures to keep your staff safe, and invading their privacy. That’s why, before you implement safety measures, you should always check tha…

Need Home Security? Try CCTV Monitoring System

If you’ve given any thought to home security you’ve probably considered a closed circuit television monitoring system (better known as CCTV.)

What you’ll have with your CCTV system is at least one surveillance camera, a variety of lenses (pan, zoom and infrared for night vision) to focus on particular areas of your grounds and home, and a VCR (video cassette recorder) that will make a permanent record of what the camera is seeing.

If you should decide you want to provid…

Does Your Business Need CCTV?

Is your business suffering from crime, or are you worried that you haven’t done enough to protect it? There are many different security measures you can take to ensure that your business, your stock, your employees and your customers are safe, and one of these is by installing a CCTV system.

We’re used to seeing CCTV operations in our streets and in our shops, perhaps even in the place where we work, but would you put it in your business, and if so, why?

Peace of mind

CCTV: An Introduction To CCTV

What is CCTV?

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is an installation of directly connected components creating a circuit which cannot be viewed by anybody outside of the circuit.

This is different to a terrestrial television broadcast system which anybody with an antenna and reception equipment can view.

Who needs a CCTV system?

CCTV systems can be found virtually everywhere in these days. They are no longer considered an expensive luxury item, especially when you co…