Hypnosis Recordings Vs. The Real Thing

I’m often asked the question “Are self hypnosis recordings really as effective as hypnotherapy with a real live person?” My answer is yes, absolutely.

Certainly, there are significant differences to be found when comparing self hypnosis CDs or downloads to one on one therapy, but they are just that, differences. What one individual considers a benefit may be seen as a drawback to the next person. It really comes down to each person’s natural makeup, which determines what…

Why You Should Purchase a Singing Lesson on CD

All around the world there are millions of individuals who are interested in a career in singing. There are many individuals who only dream, but others actually work to make that dream come true. If you are interested in a career in singing you need to ask yourself which type of individual you are. If you are interested in working to make your dream come true then you are already a few steps ahead of most people.

How Is The Audio Craze Sounding?

Sound effects sell. It’s just one type of audio that has joined the race on the information superhighway to fulfill its promise, which some of us have been asking for and using for well over a decade now: The ability to send sound effects from a web site to a client at a moment’s notice.

Knowing that kind of thing sometimes makes it hard to believe that there was a time when sound effects discs took weeks to arrive! Weeks! And, when they did ar- rive, occasionally they wer…

Choosing An MP3 Player To Groove To

If you’ve decided that you want get yourself a portable MP3 player, or digital music player, you’ve probably discovered that there are myriads of choices to choose from. Not only that, you can easily spend fifty dollars or five hundred dollars on an MP3 player.

In this article, I’ll go over the three major categories of MP3 players, with tips for choosing the best one.

1: MP3 CD Players
An MP3 CD player is a digital music player that plays CDs – either standard audio C…

CD/DVD Burning on your Personal Computer

Recently CD’s and DVD’s have become very cheap, both in respect to the disposable media and the burning hardware. Buying a CD or DVD burner has become an affordable solution to making back-ups and a lot more.