Nothing More Than Feelings
“How are you Inventing Your Life Today?” – the lead story from my last issue of Power & Presence – drew comments from several readers. Most of the comments went something like: “I wish I could have the degree of control over my life that you apparently do.”
I want to say, I wish I had the degree of control over my life that it apparently looks like I have.
A Gift of Energy
When attack becomes dance, everything is seen as a gift of energy.
The Hot Tub
Do it this way, not like that.”
“That was dumb! What were you thinking?”
“Hurry up, you’ve got to get to that meeting. You’re going to be late.”
“Why did you say THAT?!”
Recognizing The Signs Of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a serious illness that often requires immediate treatment. Not everyone knows what to look for in terms of alcohol abuse, but the truth is that there are very definitive signs that can quickly confirm the need for treatment.
Have a Present Moment!
We all have bad days and unpleasant feelings. Maybe you are having one now. It’s okay. Just like the rain, this, too, shall pass. Watch, notice, breathe.
Taking Yourself Too Seriously? – Suggestions for Reclaiming Your Perspective
I’ve noticed I often take myself, my work, and my life way too seriously. I blow events out of proportion, demand perfection, and generally behave as if my needs are at the center of everything.