5 Inspiring Action Verbs That Can Change Your Life

If you’re having trouble getting inspired, it may be simply your choice of verbs. Here are 5 action verbs that can help get you inspired and get you out of your rut.

We’ve all been stuck in that place where things just don’t seem to go forward. We have trouble getting motivated and our goals seem either out of reach, or too weak. In short, we are uninspired! Master motivator Tony Robbins tells us that it’s not that people are lazy, it’s that most people have weak, or as he…

Accepting Change

I lost my water bottle. Change was bound to happen after that.

I know it is really no big deal as it’s just a little thing – but I really liked that water bottle! It fit perfectly in the cup holder of my car, it had an easy to open lid, a spill guard that made it easy to drink out of and it was decorated with some cool stickers that really spoke about me that I’d acquired over the 3 years I had used it. I drink a lot of water and I carried it with me everywhere. My water b…

Change: The Other Dirty Word

What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, “I like things just the way they are.” Is “change”, the other dirty word?

Most of us find change hard; Not necessarily because we do not want to change, but because it is sailing into the unknown. Who knows what is going to be around the next bend in the road? We are most likely to rail against changes that are going to have an adverse effect …

Creating Positive Change

There are times in a person’s life when they may feel stuck. They may be in a situation that is making them unhappy, however they are lacking the motivation or extra push they need to help them create positive change in their life. Sometimes they are not even sure what it is that they want.

If a person is unclear as to what their goal is, they can take a look at each area of their life. Those areas may include: Family, friends, health, career, finances, physical locati…

Get What You Want Out In Life

Whatever it is you want, get ready for it. Make a place for it in your life. Get comfortable with the idea of having it. With preparation it is summoned to come to be.

We can wish all we want for what we want. We can dream, we can hope, we can pray. Anyone can do that, we all do that, so what? It won’t just work like that unless you show that you are serious. You’ve got to prepare. Preparation turns the uncertain into the inevitable.

Believe in magic, it happens all the…

Giving It Your All In The Fall

Fall is in the air! The dog days of Summer are long gone. The leaves are changing and falling, football is in full swing and pumpkins and gourds abound. Houses and tables are decorated with lovely fall colors. It is a season of beauty, energy and a time of change.

As I was walking around the block today I was struck by all the vibrant colors of the leaves and the crunching sound they made under my feet. It brought back childhood memories. I remembered as a kid running full…

Making Your Wishes Come True

Recently, a client came to me and told me, “I feel really discouraged. None of my wishes ever come true. No matter what I try, nothing ever comes of them. They’re just wishes and hopes that never come true. Help!” He told me he’s tired of the “Same Old-Same Old”, but doesn’t know how to turn his wishes into reality. That is the subject for this column. Here’s my advice to him:

See your desires as goals, not wishes. Wishes imply that you need the Good Fairy to wai…

Solving Time Management Problems

Managing time in the workplace can be difficult. For managers in particular, it can feel as if it is impossible to avoid being controlled by the demands of others and the events happening around them. However, it is possible to regain control, and to manage effectively. The key is to recognise the problems that need to be addressed, and to take appropriate action to solve these problems.

Ten Ways To Live With Heart

To Live With Heart means living with feeling. Everyone has feelings. When we are aware of how we feel, we are in touch with a basic part of ourselves. Living with heart means we live with all our feelings, accepting all, even the painful ones. Many of us choose to accept the happy ones and deny those that don’t feel so good. Why do we do this? We would rather ignore them than face them. We don’t know how to handle them, how to express them or how to heal the pain. In reality …

The Birth Of I.M. Heart

I.M. Heart came as a soft whisper one morning as I was barely awake. It was one of those whispers that you think you’ve dreamt about – and yet the word hangs in your semi-consciousness. It’s as if a messenger is trying to tell you, “Come on, it’s important for you to remember this. Now don’t forget it!” So, I crawled out of bed and wrote I.M. Heart on a piece of paper.

Days passed and I wandered around with these words floating through my thoughts. Did you ever do that – g…