Your Focus Is Your Experience Of Life
Where you put your focus becomes your experience.
Don’t think so? When I was a little girl, five or six, maybe, I watched the “Wizard of Oz” for the first time. My next younger sister watched, too, along with Mom and Dad. They thoroughly enjoyed the movie while I cried myself to sleep – afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West.
We were all in the same room, watching the same movie on the same TV set, eating the same popcorn. They had a great time and I was scarred for lif…
The small change that creates massive results in your life.
The seemingly insignificant changes in your life, over time, changes the whole direction and end destination of your life.
Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction: How to gain more abilities and change your life
The Law of Attraction is an introduction to more personal abilities which can enable you to live a better life. This article outlines four such abilities you can attract into your life, with a little practice on your part…