Get To Know The Bankruptcy Filling Process If This Is Your Option

Filing for bankruptcy is a very personal decision. By declaring bankruptcy and filing a petition with U.S. Bankruptcy Court, the bankruptcy filer will be protected and relief from debts under the Bankruptcy Code. If bankruptcy is your only option, then by understanding the process of filing bankruptcy will get you more prepare to face it. This article will walk through with you the general process of filing a bankruptcy.

The New Bankruptcy Law

With the new bankruptcy law in effect as of October 17, 2005, there is a lot of confusion with regard to the new “means test” requirement. The means test will be used by the courts to determine eligibility for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The purpose of this article is to explain in plain language how the means test works, so that consumers can get a better idea of how they will be affected under the new rules.

What Are The Consequences of Filing For Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy may be your quickest way of getting relief from your unbearable debt, but it is also the most damaging action to your credit ratings. Let us review the consequences of filling for a bankruptcy before your make up you decision to go for it.

Are You Allow To Keep Your Credit Cards In A Bankruptcy?

Many bankruptcy filers are wondering whether they are entitled to keep one or several credit cards for emergencies backup. This article will let your know under which circumstances you could keep your credit card in a bankruptcy.