Internet Banking – Which Web Bank is Right For You

Finding information online seems like the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack – with so many sites and adverts vying for attention just thinking about searching for an internet bank is enough to bring on a headache.

How To Choose and Use Credit Cards

Chances are you’ve gotten your share of “pre-approved” credit card offers in the mail, some with low introductory rates and other perks. Many of these solicitations urge you to accept “before the offer expires.” Before you accept, shop around to get the best deal.

Going Cashless

Many people believe that eventually, and sometime in the not so distant future, no one will carry cash in their pockets, and everything will be purchased using plastic. Others think that will happen around the same time that people start driving around in space cars, or when we have domesticated robot maids to clean our homes and make our meals. Whether it becomes a reality or not, it’s quite possible to live almost cashless in our current society!

Think about it. When you…

Offshore Banking – When It Pays To Go Abroad

While you might presume anyone with ‘money in offshore accounts’ is involved in some scurrilous business affairs, the truth is that anyone can use this form of investment as a totally legitimate way to defer or reduce your tax payments.

Preparing For The Unexpected

While many people don’t like to talk about it unemployment is something very real that has the potential to be very damaging for the ill prepared. Due to poor planning and denial, many people once unemployed find themselves in a severe financial struggle. Credit card companies are calling them at home, at their old offices, and in some cases contacting them via mail and e-mail. So not only are they being stalked by creditors they are also, more than likely, getting calls of r…

Savings Accounts – Professional Advice

When it comes to savings, you may well find yourself daunted by the sheer variety of ways to invest your money. Particularly if you find yourself with a substantial amount to invest, and are less than confident at dealing with things like the stock market, bonds and trusts, you’re likely to gain from professional expertise.

Savings Accounts – Professional Advice

When it comes to savings, you may well find yourself daunted by the sheer variety of ways to invest your money. Particularly if you find yourself with a substantial amount to invest, and are less than confident at dealing with things like the stock market, bonds and trusts, you’re likely to gain from professional expertise.

Don’t Be A Victim Of Identity Theft

Just about everybody has heard of identity theft, but most people do not believe it could ever happen to them. The fact is, identity theft is more common than most believe. It’s not hard for identity thieves to obtain all of the information they need in order to assume another person’s identity, but it can be made a whole lot harder for them if people remain smart and protect themselves as completely as possible.

When it Happens…

If a person becomes a victim of identity…