Lighten Your Load

Once you start to lighten your load you will feel like you have more energy, clearer thoughts and a happier outlook on life. You will no longer have to worry about all that stuff that has been cluttering your life.

Choose To Be A Volunteer

One of the oldest adages known to mankind is from both the Golden Rule and the Christian Bible: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “It is better to give than receive.”

In today’s society, those sentiments all too often get shoved aside to pave the way for personal ambition, financial success, instant gratification, and other very self rewarding behaviors we’ve learned. It’s all dog-eat-dog and “me first.”

However, humanity hasn’t really changed that mu…

Donating A Used Vehicle To A Charity

If you are interested in making charitable donations and claiming then on your tax return then you should consider donating a used vehicle to a charity. This will allow you to claim a deduction on your tax returns. However, there are some rules you will need to follow and some safeguards you should keep in mind.

The first thing you should do is check to see if the organization you plan on donating the vehicle to is qualified. This is actually very easy to do and all you ne…

Have Too Much? Give It To Charity!

Every person I know has a house filled with many things. Go into your bedroom and look in your closet. I am quite sure that you do not wear all of the clothes you see (although congratulations if you do!). And I am equally sure that you do not really need all ten pairs of similar black dress shoes. Or take a glance at your recreation gear in the garage. When is the last time you actually used those cross-country skis? There is a solution – a great solution – to downsize your …

How Do You Know If Your Charity Wristbands Donation Is Getting Where It Should?

You might have seen your friends and other people wearing colorful wristbands. After all they have become a great sight and an evolving fashion trend as well. But do you know that they are actually available in large numbers as charity wristbands? And as you buy charity wristbands , all the money that you spend on them goes straight for the charity that the band is supporting. But the matter of the fact is how do you know if your charity wristbands donation is getting where i…

Rubber Bracelets

There has been a surge in the popularity of rubber bracelets in recent years.

The most popular of these would surely be the ‘Livestrong’ wristband that is for the support of the Lance Armstrong Foundation for people battling with cancer. The money from the sale of these rubber wristbands supports the funding of the foundation.

Many different charities and foundations now use rubber bracelets to support their cause and sell them for varying prices in an effort to raise m…


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