Why casinos need 24 hour day care
By requiring casinos to offer daycare they could help save the lives of children of gambling addicted parents, and could help the parents receive help for their addiction.
Say “I Do” to Understanding Prenuptial Agreements
Relationship advice columnist Ann Landers once wrote, “Every marriage is happy. Its the living together afterward that’s the challenge.”
Coping With A Divorce
In this article I am going to explain about how a friend of mine managed to get through a rather messy divorce and how she came through the whole experience a much stronger person. I hope her story helps other people who have or are going through a divorce.
Joint Custody in Divorce
Criteria Courts consider in awards of joint custody
PASSION Ration cited in Divorce
If you intend to ration the passion in the bedroom, then accept the conseqences
Protecting Your Children From Your Divorce
Any child going through a divorce is going to experience some emotional pain, feelings of loss, sadness, frustration and possibly abandonment or rejection.
Successful Parenting After Separation
Separation is a challenging time for many parents because it is an adjustment to a new way of life
Tips For Avoiding A Divorce
If you have a marriage in trouble but you want to avoid divorce, you should know that you have great options for saving the relationship. The exact resources and tools used to put the broken pieces back together will depend on the reason for the problem. As an example, if your wife or husband was unfaithful, counseling can often help sort things out. Therefore, prior to doing anything, you need to identity the reason for the problem in the first place.
Other than infidelit…
Safety Faq: Answers To Common Safety Questions
* What are the most common types of accidents?
Accidents are classified into various categories, which are generally determined by the cause and the persons or things involved in the occurrence. Some of the most common types of accidents are:
– Home accidents
– Highway accidents involving vehicles
– Workplace accidents
According to one study, 40 % of accidents take place at home, particularly for child-related injuries.
* Where do most accidents occur?
Sandwiched Boomers: How To Nourish The Sandwich That Is You
The “Sandwich Generation” is a term that has now made it into the dictionary. It fits an increasing number of Boomer women whose reality includes being squeezed between the demands of growing children and the needs of aging parents.
A study by AARP and the National Alliance for Care-giving identified over 44 million Americans who are caring for ill adult family members, 60% of them women. According to the National Center on Health Statistics, about 80% of women in their 40…