How The Chinese Communist Party Exerts and Maintains Control

In order to exert its totalitarian control, the CCP must have complete access to personal information. To do business in China, foreign corporations will help the CCP by turning over information from private email accounts, chat room conversations and other information. The CCP will use this information to make an ‘arrest’. The victim disappears either temporarily or permanently. Whether anyone hears what happens next is a dice roll.

Is Communism Dead Yet?

In order to control, these regimes tend to use fear. Generally, they create a culture of fear where people become afraid of speaking up. This leads to less people speaking out or complaining about anything. The environment of fear is amplified or bolstered when people who do speak out are punished in one way or another.

I’m Working On The Chinese Characters

I couple of years ago I went through somewhat of a depression. I guess that is fairly normal, but I ended up going to see a counselor to talk through my issues. Being a counselor myself, it felt kind of strange at the beginning, but I did it anyway. Why? I guess because I am a firm believer that sometimes healing comes only as we get outside of ourselves and share with others. Anyway, one of the first things my counselor suggested that I do was make a list of things that intr…

Chinese Cuisine What’s In A Name?

There’s more to Chinese cuisine than meets the taste buds. There is also what meets the eye, the ear and the imagination. Chinese culture demands attention to the entire presentation of a meal, and that includes the blend of flavors, the subtlety of the spicing, how appealing the colors and arrangement of the food is and how well it plays on the imagination of the diner. This is a concept that is as foreign to most Westerners as an appreciation for the nuance of a single brus…