So She Stood You Up…

Have you ever had this experience? You finally found the nerve to ask that “special girl” out on a date to dinner and a movie. Without even hesitating she gave you a nervous “yes!”. Perhaps you even talked further on the phone and felt that you two clicked well. The date was planned and finally comes Saturday night. You are all decked out in your best shirt, nice shoes, with money to spend, and waiting at the agreed restaurant meeting place.

About 30 minutes goes by and y…

Ten Signs Of A Serious Relationship

When you are with someone you really care about, how can you tell if that person is the one for you? How can you find out where your relationship stands? Are there any clues that could tell you if the relationship will lead into marriage?

Perhaps you are at the stage where you feel that you are ready to settle down and would like to know if the relationship is going anywhere. How do you find out if the person you are with is as committed to you as you are to him/her?

Why should single Christians seek to be married?

In this article we will attempt to give some clear advice to all single Christians who are beginning the dating process and are wanting to know the right motives they should have regarding marriage.

8 Quick Ways to Relax Before a Big Date

Let’s face it dating can be a high stress experience, and none more so than first dates. You want to impress your date by doing and saying the right thing but you’re so nervous that it seems impossible. The key to avoiding mistakes is to reduce your stress levels before heading out on your date. Follow these 8 practical ways to reduce stress before your next date and you might even find you actually enjoy yourself!

A Guide To Christian Singles

Living as a single may be a choice for some, but for most people, it is a stage before marriage that is supposed to prepare you for a life-long commitment. In this stage, you usually date to find your future spouse. Even single parents, separated and divorced men and women, widowed and uninvolved persons who are similarly referred to as singles at one time or another are looking for their perfect match and intend to marry or remarry.

Christian Dating

There are many people who consider Christianity a crucial pre requisite for a lifetime partnership with another person.

As there is considerable demand for Christian minded people to find a partner, there has been an increase in the number of Christian dating sites that have emerged on the Internet.

There are generally strict guidelines before people can become members of Christian dating sites and for this reason the sites tend to have a lower membership count than man…

Christian Online Dating services

Christian online dating has become evermore popular in recent years. It’s increase in popularity is shown by the fact that Christian online dating services can command up to half a million members. That’s a dedicated following of members that are actively seeking other like minded singles for either friendship or romance.

Christian Singles: Learn to Maximize Your Relationship Success

The dating scene can be rough even for Christian Singles. Healthy and successful relationships depend on being a person of character and learning to identify persons of character. This article offers practical and godly wisdom that will encourage singles in their relationships with one another as well as with God.

Christians and Online Dating Sites – Why Should Committed Christians Be Online Dating

Committed Christians have a hard time meeting suitable partners in the Church. Online dating sites have made it easier for non-Christians to find partners and Christians should seriously consider how these sites can benefit them. This article explores how dedicated Christian-run online dating sites can help the single Christian find suitable dates.

Dealing With Dating Anxiety

Life is stressful as it is and adding relationships to the mix can play a very negative role on your anxiety levels, especially if you already have a habit of developing panic-stricken attacks when it comes to love and dating.

Over the last 10 years there have been progress in various therapies to help relieve the burden of anxiety. It is best that you try to avoid taking drugs to cope your dating anxiety.

Below are 4 ‘non-drug’ dating anxiety prevention tips:

1. …