Three Keys to Good Health
All answers are in God’s Word. It’s important to read, listen and do. Your answer for total health is waiting for you!
What a Gift We Have Been Given!
God dwells in our heart. Thus, our calling involves following the passions God has placed there; not making everyone else happy, not meeting other’s demands, not fulfilling every request in the universe.
8 Steps to Effective Christian Leadership
As a Christian leader, you are held to high moral, ethical, and social standards. As a leader, you are held to high standards, but as a Christian leader, that bar is raised even higher. Why? Because both the Christian and non-Christian social environment has tended to expect that Christians measure up to their self-proclaimed moral and ethical standards, as they rightly should. What can you do to be sure you ‘stand up to the test’ in the area of Christian leadership?
I Dare You to Challenge God for a Miracle in Your Life!
Even though I failed God countless times, and even turned away from Him, He still cared enough for me to give me a miracle. All I had to do was turn back to Him and just ask for His help!
The Inspiration of Business
Read about one woman’s journey to healing and her inspiration to begin her own business. Her desire to design, her determination to succeed and the struggles she overcame will inspire and encourage you.
4 Tips Toward Making Resolutions That Matter!
Making resolutions is one thing, keeping them another. Matt shares four tips to help you reach your goals and to reward yourself for a job well done!
Christians– 7 Steps to Realizing Your Goals
Christians–Discover 7 Steps to Realizing Your Goals
Our Christian And Patriotic Truths, Justice And Our Real Freedom
On July 4th of each year the citizens of the U.S. “we the people” commemorate our nation’s birth with a patriotic holiday. We call it Independence Day. We celebrate that our country chose to shake off the shackles of oppression and to establish a government that believed in the importance of liberty and a different kind of freedom.
Independence Day like many summer holidays, gets overshadowed by things like parties, family gatherings, picnics, and day off from work. Yet, a…
Making A Life
Tom Paterson, in his book, “Living The Life You Were Meant To Live,” made a very interesting comment. God isn’t interested in us just making a living as He is in us “making a life.” Well said! I believe a good question we can ask is are we so consumed with making a living that we have forgotten how to make a life!
In this world of “me” focus and striving to get ahead, maybe we need to take a deep breath, step back a little and get a larger perspective on life. At the end o…
The Awesome Power Of Words
On some playground as I child, I learned to sing the song “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” I guess that was to appease the bullies on the playground as we stuck out our tongues at them, but in reality it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Words do hurt and they can do great harm. Wars have been fought because of words.
There are many people who are struggling in life today not because of physical injuries on a playground but from words …