A Short Guide to Stop Smoking

If you are a long-time smoker and wish to stop smoking, the following guidelines may be of use in quitting the habit. Smoking has long-term health hazards, as reported in news clips and reports. The habit however is a personal decision, and it all depends on how determined a person is, and what level of abstinence can be practiced in order to stop smoking.

Quit Smoking – You Can Do It

Quit smoking, easy for people to say unless they have been there. Here are a few tips to consider when you are ready to quit smoking. In addition, remember, do not quit quitting, you will succeed one of these days.

Rokok Kretek: The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia’s Clove Cigarettes

Rokok is cigarettes, kretek is clove flavored, so rokok kretek means clove flavored cigarettes or clove cigarettes. For many millions Javanese and Indonesians, kretek is enjoyable companion, tasteful, it gives a feeling of relief & relaxation and its price is nothing compare to the comfort given.