Two Pillars For Great And Simple Life

Over the last few years I’ve spoken to a number of people who want to know ‘what life is all about’.

A decade or more ago I had my own questions on this subject. Since then I have listened too and read the theories of people who seemed wise enough.

Funnily enough I think one of the wisest comments on the subject came from Woody Allen, He said, ‘I’m astounded by people who want to know the universe when it’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.’

Allen’s quot…

How Can I Tell What Vibes I’m Sending Out?

Until you learn to use the Law of Attraction in a deliberate way, most of the time you are not aware that you are attracting into your life-more of-whatever you are giving your focus, attention, and energy to. This is referred to as non-deliberate attraction. It can be described in a 4-step cycle:

Feeling Hopeless

Letter from a reader who was feeling ‘hopeless’ and the response that contained a useful tool for getting clarity, focus and raising your vibration–the T-tool.

Your Vibrational Meter

You have within you a vibrational meter that tells you what is good and what is not good for you. That meter is your emotions.

Communicating on the Telephone

Good communication can lead to a better understanding of people and perhaps more importantly, allowing others to fully understand us. This is especially important in business.The telephone is a very powerful tool, especially when used within a business environment.

Going For A Win-Win Result – A Guide To Being Assertive

“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others”

Sharon Anthony Bower

It is interesting that many people still confuse being assertive with being aggressive. How about you? Have you learnt the difference? Forgive me if you have, but for those of you who still aren’t quite clear, here is a quick guide to assertiveness – going for the win-win result.

Assertiveness is a behavi…