Who’s Your Guru?

The other day I was talking to a guy at the health club I just joined. (Never had time when I was working for someone else.) We started talking about our personal trainers. If you aren’t familiar with the term, these are fitness experts who are educated to design work-out routines based on an individuals strengths, needs and goals.

Anyway, Rick said something that struck me right between the eyes. “I got so confused reading all the books and fitness magazines. Everyone ha…

How To Find The Perfect Clickbank Product In 5 Easy Steps

Did you ever find yourself in the situation where you just had to press that “Buy now” button but hesitated, because you didn’t want to spend $47, $97 or even more just to find out that you chose the wrong product again? Let me tell you that I have been in that situation many times and that I finally found a 5 step guide to overcome it.

Step 1: Find your product

Let’s say you search a book for “dog training”. The first step would therefore be to go to the Clickbank Mark…

Review: Google Profits – The Easy Way To Earn On Google

Whenever it comes to investing in information, I always remember the story of the plumber who fixed the factory’s pipes and invoiced a hefty fee for “knowing where to hit”.

Here follows my review on an ebook that “knows where to hit” when it comes to making money with Google.

The Google Profits ebook by Wade Winger

Google Profits opens with an introduction to the basics on a particular brand of internet earning: harnessing the combined power of affiliate marketing an…