The Benefits Of Branding

Branding is the process of creating distinctive and durable perceptions in the minds of consumers. A brand is a persistent, unique business identity intertwined with associations of personality, quality, origin, liking and more. Here’s why the effort to brand your company or yourself pays off.

1. Memorability. A brand serves as a convenient container for a reputation and good will. It’s hard for customers to go back to “that whatsitsname store” or to refer business to “th…

The Mighty Marketing Newsletter

For many companies and organizations, a newsletter is a powerful marketing tool that attracts and retains customers. But how do you publish a successful newsletter? Following are some simple strategies that have worked well for my clients and me.

Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business

Each time you hear yourself make a Declarative Statement that does not serve you, simply restate it and offer a better mood or feeling. Here is a quick way to turn a negative statement into a positive Declarative Statement.

Simply ask yourself: “So, what do I want?”

Keeping Your Cool When The Customer Gets Hot

Providing excellent customer service is the only way to really differentiate your company from competitors. Follow these 4 steps to elevate your customer service and relieve yourself from a great deal of stress.