2 Steps To Stay On Track
Are your goals set? Are you all geared up to get started on them? Have you established some ways to support your goals? What will ensure that you actually stay on your desired path?
It is easy to get off path. It is easy to get all wrapped in stuff in everyday life. You know what I mean? I know, I have been off track with my goals. When you do set goals and establish ways to get where you want to go, how do you stay on track?
When you have clear goals that you want to…
I Want It Now!
Do you ever hear yourself thinking “I want it NOW”? When we decide that we really want something, the desire is so strong that often we want it NOW. We don’t want to have to wait for it. So we tell ourselves and we tell the universe, “Okay, I am ready. I want this now.” And then if it doesn’t happen immediately, we might say something like, “Where is it? I am ready. Why isn’t it here yet?”
The problem is that when we want something badly and we want it NOW, it is a good si…
When Things Don’t Appear To Be Flowing, Take A Second Look
On a recent trip to a conference, I sat next to a woman on the plane who had missed her last connecting flight due to some airline delays. As a result, Margaret was going to miss a bike tour of the Napa Wine Valley, which she had already paid for. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy about it, as she would not get her payment back, nor have the fun experience she was looking forward to since she had business meetings scheduled the following day. She had fretted about it a great …
Something About Habits
Habits determine our future as well as the most important decisions. We should not forget to dedicate to habits the attention they deserve.
The Real Secrets To Success
“It’s what you learn when you think you know everything that counts the most in life.”
Basketball Coach John Wooden
What’s the “secret” behind successful business owners? It’s simple – they have a coach. We all have blind spots, particularly when it comes to our business. Have you noticed how easy it is to give advice, but when it comes to your life you can’t see the whole picture? Emotions can get in the way of making clear decisions.
Who do you turn to when you need…
Allow Time For Germination
New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.
Burn the Ships
It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.
Make Procrastination Work for You
Procrastination is the art of doing something else when there are more important things to do. There is a way to make procrastination work for you. Since all of us have this skill to varying degrees of proficiency we might as well put it to use.
People Do Business With People They Know, Like, And Trust
It takes time, energy and effort to build a network. Through building that network you build relationships with people who know you, trust you and will do business with you.
When you find yourself slacking a little and not being as enthused about the new change or goal you are working towards, that isn’t a sign to quit. It is a sign that it is time to re-commit.