Boss Mode or Getting Past the Palace Guard

There have been many, many books and articles written about the art of creating rapport with prospects. Usually what it boils down to is being as like the prospect as you can be without mimicking or imitating them. When you are able to do this well, your prospect will see you as being like them. That prospect is then more likely to feel comfortable with you and want to spend time with you and do business with you.

Cold Calling: How to Warm Yourself Up Before You Start

Why do we hate cold calling so much? Why does the very thought of it send shivers down some people’s spine? But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can do it. All it needs is careful planning and a structured approach. Follow this structure and I’ll show you how you can become a successful cold caller.

Cold Calling Executives in Brisbane Sales Training

The Amazingly Simple Secret For Successful Cold Calls To Company Executuves

Your colleagues are extremely interested in cold calling company executives like you, everybody with business savvy wants to reach the executives quickly to close top dollar sales.In this business environment with collapsed organizational structures, the elimination of middle management, and the increased workload for executive assistants it’s even more challenging to break through to the inner-circle of decision-makers.So consider this–stop making the cold-call process more complicated (and considerably more painful) than it needs to be. Quit agonizing over the writing of pre-approach letters and searching out friends who can provide warm introductions that’ll break you through, get you into the hallowed halls of the executive suites. Sure pre-approach letters and warm introductions are a good mix to add to any sales strategy but even big time local and long distance phone companies are finally catching on to the fact that the product they market, the telephone, is the most direct, effective tool for increasing sales by leaps and bounds.

Cold Calling May Be A Waste Of Time

too many sales managers these days preach cold calling as the way to go to generate sales leads. But why do they keep pushing a system that has such a low success rate when their are more practical ways to generate new business?

Power Words

Some words are better than others. Some words are stronger and more evocative than others. When you are on the phone with a prospect, you have about 10 seconds to grab and hold your prospect’s attention. If you do not do that within that first 10 seconds, your call is more than likely over.

24-7 & 9-5 Live Chat & E-mail management Solution

Place Support is a comprehensive voice-chat-email support service provider. We take care of your customers, providing 24-7 and 9-5 customers support freeing up your time to focus on other parts of your business. Our unique method allows us to bring these services to you at a very affordable price.