Popular Art Galleries Of London

In this article, I write about some of the different art galleries which people can visit when they are in London. I would very much recommend that you make time during your trip to have a look around some of the places mentioned, as they are sure to add to your experience of visiting the capital city of England.

Collection Harassment & Resolving Debt Pt. 2

In the last section we covered your rights against harassment and abuse by collectors. We also covered some options that your creditor may have to help you resolve your delinquent debt. Again I repeat that this is not legal advice but a guideline of your rights and options.

Before we begin I would like to share a little info about myself. I was a collector for about 10 years until health problems forced me to leave the profession in 2003. I was really proficient and often …

Collection Harassment & Resolving Debt Pt. 1

So you are getting collection calls? You’re desk is full of unpaid bills. You dread answering the phone. You are having trouble sleeping at night because you are worrying about a bunch of bills. You feel depressed.

Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then, maybe this article can help you. First of all you need to realize that you are not the only one. You are not alone. Then you need to know that there can be light at the end of the tunnel.

This article is not m…