From Yellow Kid To Superman – Pointers For Comic Book Aficionados

In a world where there isn’t exactly enough time for all the things people have to do, almost everybody still finds themselves hooked to a certain hobby. Collecting baseball cards or stamps, buttons even, knitting, wood crafting, landscaping, what have you. And in this long list, comic book collection seems to place itself amongst the top.

The popularity of comic books gained momentum during the 1960’s. However, comic book enthusiasts would remember the story of the Yellow…

From Yellow Kid To Superman – Pointers For Comic Book Aficionados

In a world where there isn’t exactly enough time for all the things people have to do, almost everybody still finds themselves hooked to a certain hobby. Collecting baseball cards or stamps, buttons even, knitting, wood crafting, landscaping, what have you. And in this long list, comic book collection seems to place itself amongst the top.

The popularity of comic books gained momentum during the 1960’s. However, comic book enthusiasts would remember the story of the Yellow…

Comic Book Art

Have you considered a career in creating comic book art? With a wide variety of comic books on the market today, the job opportunities in comic books are endless. The link at the bottom of this page will get you started towards a career in comic book art arena.