Punctuate Your Point!

Does punctuation matter in an email message? Yes! Why is following the rules of punctuation so important? To answer that question, ask yourself another question – are your customers or colleagues going to be comfortable with your work when you can’t even punctuate a sentence properly? By using proper punctuation, you can demonstrate that you are professional and competent.

The Cost of Miscommunication

Using jargon, technical terms, abbreviations, and specialized vocabulary in email messages is filled with peril. This language can lead to miscommunication. And, this misinterpretation of terminology can be expensive in many ways.

Fun Email Quiz

Are you creating a positive, professional impression when you email your co-workers and customers? Or, is Miss Manners shrieking in horror every time you hit the send button? Are you being efficient and effective when you send messages, or are you wasting time? To find out, take this fun quiz.