Dream Archetypes

Archetypes are images common to all humans because they arise out of common human experience.

Though we are each unique individuals, our commonalities are more pervasive and fundamental than our differences. Truly understanding this is the only cure for racism, jingoism and prejudice.

Most symbols in your dreams reflect a part of yourself. Some images common to all of humanity, along with their typical meanings are:

· THE PERSONA: A person’s “public mask.” The image …

The Meaning Of Dreams

There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to “interpret the dreamer” and not just the dream.

Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial “finger pointing to the moon.” Don’t focus on the finger or you will miss out on all the heavenly glory. Dreams are the finger and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting your dreams is an exercise in self-discovery and self-growth. They are almost always referring back to y…