Controlled By Beliefs!
Have you ever had someone attacking you and you can’t figure out why?
It happens more than we realize. Quite often, an angry or even violent reaction from another person is due to a conflict or perceived threat stemming from his or her inner belief system. On a fundamental level, the information or action triggered fear for their survival.
The Gift Only You Can Give
It can be hard to decide what gift to give that special someone. Of all the gifts that I have given over the years, two have stood out for people. These gifts are not found in a store, and only can come from within you. Yet, they are remember, long after the rest have faded.
The Hideous Poison of Anger
When asked what gets in the way of communication most often, anger comes up. Moreover, the anger is often related to a perception of a situation that may not even be accurate. That is why anger can be a poison that sucks you in
The Importance of Receiving
Receiving is just as important as giving. It sets the flow of abundance and helps others to attract their good as well. When you refuse to ever receive you can be robbing someone else the chance to give. Even science has shown that your health may depend on your ability to receive.