Where Did My America Go?

Have you ever screamed at the television or radio? These days, Americans have plenty to be outraged about… and if you’ve ever asked yourself the above question, you’re definitely not alone. The question is: what are we going to do about it?

I’ve noticed a lot of disturbing trends in our country today, and it leads me to believe the United States we know is disappearing—and might not survive the next few decades. Consider this:

• The war in Iraq has cost us far more th…

Will The Iraqi Dinar Rise Now That The Constitution Is Approved?

The current constitution of Iraq was approved by an October 15, 2005 ratification vote. The proposed constitution was drafted in 2005 by members of the Interim Iraqi Government to replace the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period, which had been put in force by the Coalition Provisional Authority after the Iraq War and occupation of Iraq by the United States and Coalition forces.

The drafting and adoption of the new constitution was not w…