Leveraging Six Sigma in IT

Service providers bring complementary knowledge, ideas, and business methodologies and enable outsourcing companies to concentrate on core competencies. It is difficult to leverage these benefits in the absence of a defined set of tools and techniques. Application of process improvement techniques like Six Sigma can help realize these benefits. This paper examines the application of Six Sigma to the IT services industry holistically.

The Interim Management Lifestyle

Interim management isn’t the career for you if you don’t like challenge and change. But for those of us who love both, it brings a rich variety of enhancing and intensive experiences. Just what are the pros and cons of becoming an interim manager?

ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?

Message to ICANN: Let those who want to create a TLD, simply register it with ICANN.

If the TLD is not already taken, if they have the technical capability to mange the TLD, and they have the desire to market domain names on that TLD, then let them do so.

It should be similar to the registering of a domain name, except on a higher level, with the added technical requirements. ICANN should be sort of an upper-registry for TLDs.

It would be ludicrous for a domain name …

Increased Consulting Fees Through Self-Confidence

Sometimes consultants and other service providers are hesitant to charge a fair rate for their services.

Maybe they feel that the services they provide are so basic that you really can’t justify charging much or anything for them.

Perhaps they feel that they don’t have the knowledge or experience that other consultants have.

Thus, they hesitate to charge fair rates because of a lack of self-confidence. This is natural (especially for new consultants). However, what…

Explode Your Consulting Income

Here are just a few ways to increase and diversify your income from your consulting business.

1. Sell More Services to Your Existing Clients

Instead of spending all that time and money trying to get new business, why not try to sell more services to your existing client base?

If you are an accounting and tax consulting firm, for example, you likely have clients who need some assistance in their record keeping and documentation. In addition to your year-end tax servic…