5 Tips to Get More Results from Your Marketing Materials

Wondering why it’s so difficult to get your buyers to actually buy from you? It’s probably the words you’re using. Here are 5 tips that can hep you improve the conversions of your web sites, brochures and other marketing materials.

9 Product Naming Tips

A brief overview that will help guide you through the subtleties of product naming. You’ll learn the importance of choosing a name that’s unique and benefit oriented, without being confusing or offensive—with some amusing examples of naming gaffes. You’ll also learn why fads, abbreviations and tongue twisters should be avoided. And why the name you ultimately choose must protect your company’s image.

10 Income Streams You Can Add to Your Business (And Increase Your Bottom Line)

In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more than one way to make money. For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are different streams of incomes. But that’s just the beginning. Below are 10 ideas of different income sources you can use to increase your business’s bottom line.

A Simple Way To Create 7 Effective Autoresponder Messages

Email is the Net’s most powerful marketing tool. And autoresponders are the best idea yet for marketing with email.

There is an old saying that the first ad rarely sells. You have to put your product, service, or idea in front of a prospect several times before she buys.

Autoresponders are designed specifically to get your message back to the same prospect over and over. That’s why most autoresponder packages come in groups of 7 messages–from the 7 message marketing ru…

Boost Your Bottom Line with a Power-Packed Headline

There’s an old saying… curiosity killed the cat. Let’s face the facts; cats aren’t the only creatures that get sucked into whirlpool of curiosity. Everyday we find ourselves bombarded with moments of curiosity. The best example… headlines!

Create Fireworks with Your Call-to-Action

Every great performance goes out with a bang, right? My favorite finale has always been fireworks. Whether it’s the end of the day at Disney World or a Fourth of July Celebration, I enjoy the bright colors and loud sounds of the explosions.

How To Write A Great Sales Letter–When You Hate To Write

I can sit here all day giving you tips and hints on headlines and phrases that sell. But none of it will do you any good if you just plain hate sitting down at the keyboard.

If you can’t stand writing, you’re in good company. Most of us feel the same. I once asked a high school English teacher how many of her 300 students liked to write. “Oh, about 9 of them,” she said.

Everyone from Mark Twain to Bart Simpson has faced a blank sheet of paper for hours with no idea of w…

How To Write Persuasive Subject Lines

Three seconds and 40 characters. That’s all you usually have to work with when trying to get and hold the attention of someone reading email. Learn three powerful techniques for writing subject lines that succeed.

In Marketing, Enthusiasm Connects

Two incidents in one week got me thinking about an ingredient in persuasion that we don’t often hear about.

In the first incident, an accomplished copywriter asked for feedback on a letter he intended to send to members of the local Chamber of Commerce that he’d just joined. The letter was technically excellent. It contained all the ingredients that a sales letter should have, in the right proportions and in the right places – except for one. The letter came across as cold…

Long Copy Sucks And Other Heresies

I recently finished a massive study of profitable and unprofitable sites. The average length of the profitable site’s sales letter was 1.8 pages. The average length of the unprofitable site’s sales letter was 2 pages.

Shorter ad copy was more profitable on average than long copy.

Of course that is heresy. Many, many famous copywriters swear by long copy. Still… the study was valid and it is a fact… known profitable sites had shorter copy than known less profitable sites…