Seven Ways To Beat Procrastination

I am a student of Time Management and a big part of time management is beating procrastination. We all procrastinate, even those of us who pride ourselves in having good time management skills.

From my studies, I have come up with seven proven ways to beat procrastination.

1. Do the worst task first: I have used this technique for years. I have even created more than one “first thing.” There is first thing in the morning, there is first thing after lunch, and there is f…

Piggotts Provide Support for the Tsunami

Piggotts, the Crown Group’s marquee and furniture hire supplier provided two large hospitality marquees for a recent Tsunami Memorial Service at St Paul’s Cathedral…

Calculate the Cost of Chasing a Lead. Reduce it by Giving

Have you ever wondered what it would cost you to attract just one qualified lead? You may have lots of inquiries, but not all inquiries become customers. How then would an inquiry be upgraded to a qualified lead? This article examines the effect of gifts in the calculation of chasing a lead

Translating Company Collateral to PowerPoint

As a PowerPoint user, it is sometimes necessary to accurately translate a company’s marketing collateral to slide format. Learn some tips on moving copy effectively between the mediums.

Corporate awards 101

One universal and noteworthy characteristic of human beings is to seek accolades for their accomplishments. From childhood to maturity we are captivated by the lust for recognition in some form or the other especially for remarkable

Selling Yourself

So often the personal aspects of creating a positive, successful business relationship are overlooked. This is the technique that all CEO’s and corporate giant directors started out utilizing. They were not born the head of a major company. They worked to get there, and they started with themselves.

How to choose a corporate gift that hits the spot

Presenting or exchanging gifts is an unsurpassable technique to fetch and take a look at the mesmerizing smile that leaves an everlasting impression on mind. Thus, since time memorial human beings cherish the custom of give and take of gifts.

Guide to business and data trends

If one factor is to be named on which#today’s business world stands it is undoubtedly the data management system of organization. The significance of data captures and interpretation is such that many make and break of most business organizations and big corporate houses