Ask Don’t Tell Leadership – What If I Lose Control Of My Staff As A Leader?

Question: I am a sales manager for a business services firm in Minneapolis. I am responsible for all new business revenue for my company and I have 5 sales people that work for me. Of the 5 sales people only one is a star performer. The issue I am having is he breaks all the rules and creates really bad relationships with all the other people in the company. I am on the senior team and the rest of them are angry that this keeps happening. While I don’t like to hear the commen…

The #1 Killer In Corporate America: Bad Leadership

The 2007 employment market will be rich in opportunities for millions of job seekers who are no longer satisfied with their current positions. Companies that fail to keep their employees — including their senior executives — engaged “will create a fast-moving conduit of quality candidates that feeds their own competitors and their own failure,”