How to Recognize Your ‘True’ Sales Performance Competencies

“Run your Numbers…don’t chase after Quota”

How do you currently define a “Sales Performance Competency?”
Let’s take a look at (3) essential sales competencies that will dramatically increase your success and take the guesswork out of month-end.

How to Sell Your CFO on Sales Training

“When in Rome… Do as the Romans Do”

Ask any CFO what their first impression is when they hear the words ‘Sales Training’ and they might communicate back their ‘Real world’ vocabulary of ‘un-accountable’ and ‘un-measurable’. Simply put, they know they’re wasting at least half their sales training budget dollars; the problem is they don’t know which half.
And from a sales management perspective, if you don’t use your training budget, you’ll lose it.
Learn an approach your CFO will embrace.

Magic Number Calculator – A Diagnostic Approach to Sales Performance

I walked into a VP of Sales mission with a sales organization consisting of 120 reps spread out over 12 sales regions. They were running at 38% of revenue goal for over 2 years. I ran a Key Performance Indicator study and determined they were running 2 new appointments per week/rep, but their KPI’s dictated they needed to achieve 7. So I announced a training objective to enable them to do it effectively, (now branded the X2 Sales System) and threw quota out the window for 90 days. But I replaced the monthly quota with the weekly ‘magic number’. 8 months later sales units sold increased by 520%. Find out how.

Sales Prospecting and a Targeted Selection Process

Who Are You Calling On and Why?
What’s a Targeted Selection Process? As related to prospecting, it is a process or system of defining whom you want to call on and performing the due diligence of data procurement to understand who you are calling on and why you have chosen them.
The degree of success you’ll have in the business of sales is proportional to raising and maintaining these success indicators to a level more proficient than the industry norm.
Learn how to get more in less time.

Stop Pointing at Me! Which Way Do You Point Your Accountability Finger?

There are two kinds of people when it comes to accountability. •Those who point their index fingers outward •Those who point their index fingers inward We all know too well that most people are quick to blame others and slow to take responsibility. They make excuses or tell a long-winded story about what went wrong and why. Obviously these people feel their success or failure is “outside of their control.” The more powerful belief is that things are within our control. It then follows that we are, in fact, responsible for what happens around us and to us. Here are some ways to help ‘Stay in Control’.